
  • Transgender Mma Fighter Crushes Skull Of Female Opponent
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 16. 02:57

    Ultimate Fighting Champion women's bantamweight leader Ronda Rousey, who was undefeated in her last 10 professional fights, recently told she could 'knock out anyone in the world' but wouldn't fight a transgender woman.' It's a case-by-case scenario thing,' Rousey explained of squaring off against. 'I've tried to research it a lot. I feel like if you go through puberty as a 'man' it's not something you can reverse. There's no undo button on that.' Since coming out as a transgender woman, Fox has faced similar claims yet remained undeterred. The 38-year-old fighter, like other trans advocates and medical professionals, has in bone strength and muscle density.

    Transgender MMA Fighter Crushes Skull of Female Opponent. Dojo October 26, 2018 Extreme Taekwondo. 0 Flares Twitter 0 Facebook 0 Google+ 0 StumbleUpon 0 Pin It Share 0 LinkedIn 0 Reddit 0 0 Flares.

    In an op-ed for, Fox took aim at the problematic claim that a transgender woman is 'born a man.' Fox, five of her last six professional fights, responded to Rousey's comments on this Saturday, saying, 'I'm quite sure that there are quite a few female MMA fighters who have the guts to fight another skilled woman without peeing their panties.

    Transgender Mma Fighter Crushes Skull Of Female Opponent

    Transgender Mma Fighter Destroys Female

    I think they may be a little more mentally tough and say, 'I'll fight a trans woman, just like I'll fight a lesbian woman or a black woman.' 'They may throw all kinds of backwards, bogus bone density or bone structure arguments in it to possibly save face if they lose — because they sense that people are ignorant on bones within sport,' Fox continued. 'But at least some of them are the real deal in the way of fighting.' Last year UFC president Dana White on trans female fighters being allowed to fight cisgender (nontrans) fighters, saying, 'Bone structure is different, hands are bigger, jaw is bigger, everything is bigger.

    I don't believe in it.'

    Soon after she got married Fox joined the Army to support her family. After she left the Army, Fox went to University, but she left it citing ongoing psychological stress problems from her unresolved gender issues.

    Finally, in 2006, Fallon Fox traveled to Bangkok together with her daughter and did all the necessary surgeries to become a woman.There was a lot of controversy around Fallon’s licensing process and many well-known fighters and commentators were against Fallon’s license but she had a green light to fight in women divisions in MMA fighting.Back in 2014 Fox was fighting her female opponent Taika Brents. It would be “just another fight” for Fallon and Tamika if Tamika didn’t suffer serious injuries before she was TKO’d.Everything happened in the first round and in the first two and a half minutes.

    It was messy, it was bloody and it’s not an easy viewing for everybody. Tamika suffered a concussion and a broken skull and Fallon Fox wasn’t stopping until Tamika Brents was finally TKO’d.

    After the fight, Tamika Brents gave an interview and she said that she never felt such power and strength at any woman before she was fighting Fallon Fox.“I’ve fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night. I can’t answer whether it’s because she was born a man or not because I’m not a doctor. I can only say, I’ve never felt so overpowered ever in my life and I am an abnormally strong female in my own right I still disagree with Fox fighting. Any other job or career I say have a go at it, but when it comes to a combat sport I think it just isn’t fair.” – Tamika Brents said.

    Among many comments on this fight, there is a very interesting one:“I don’t understand the problem. I’m constantly told that men and women are equal and that gender is a social construct. I’m constantly shown “badass women” on TV and in movies that can beat up men easily.

    I’m told a woman can do anything a man can do. DOVE commercials show that girls can run, punch, and jump just as well as men. Sowhy shouldn’t men fight vs. Why segregate sports? If transgender people can use the bathroom which matches their gender identity, why can’t they choose the UFC gender class that matches their gender identity? You’re not a transphobic/sexist bigot, are you?”Even if we’re trying to be politically correct, have equal rights and accept anyone as he wants us to accept him we should draw a line in some cases. According to many scientists Men and Women are inherently different and pretending that they’re equal is actually making some women pay a huge price for it.Are we becoming too “politically correct”?

    I mean, are we becoming too careful not to offend or upset any group of people in society who have a disadvantage, or who have been treated differently because of their sex, race, or disability?

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